Sunday, September 11, 2011

A New Chapter

Two weeks ago I started back to school. I am going to South Plains College to get my prerequisites for Pharmacy school. I already have my degree from Tech so I am just going back to get the few science classes that I need. I was very nervous about going back to school and leaving Sidney but I know it will all be worth it in the end. It has been so hard not being able to be with her every day. I have realized how lucky I have been to be able to stay home with her. I am definitely treasuring all my days with her because I know it won't last forever.

Sidney started Kids Day Out (KDO) last week. I dropped her off and did not want to leave, I was so nervous that the teachers would do something wrong or that Sidney would need me. They didn't know her routine, her cry or her cues like I do. Arthur picked her up and they said she did good. She cried a little and spoiled her outfit so she had to change. She seemed so exhausted when she got home. The next day she did lots better, they said she didn't cry and that she was very happy and playful. I guess she is getting adjusted and really enjoys it. I know she has fun because they go on buggy rides and have music class. She is able to socialize with all the other kids in her class. She has one special friend, Rowyn. Rowyn is the daughter of one of my best friends from high school. Our daughters are 4 months apart. It was fun being pregnant at the same time and now being able to watch our daughters grow up together. It is really special to me and I just love that we get to go through this together. Not only are our daughters getting to be friends and get close I feel that it has brought me so much closer to my friend. It is a special thing to have a child and to be able to experience this with my friend is truly a blessing.

Here are some pictures from her first day at school.

Sidney and Rowyn

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